četrtek, 22. december 2011

mmmm... mashed potatoes and cream spinach

Allthough I yesterday had a fantastic dinner, today a wish that has been present for weeks now, came true :)...
I had time to prepare myself mashed potatoes ans cream spinach- one of my favourite meals... simple an soooooo tasty :P nom nom

sreda, 16. november 2011

I had to do one more....


I so like her. She's great... the beauty, confidence, appearance... the WHOLE PACKAGE! A real role model...

OMG... it's been too long again...

Well, I have an excuse... a good one, I promise :P ...

I've been totally preoccupied with my musical work, so actually, preoccupied with my life :) ... practising, rehearsing with RTV symphonics, teaching my little students how ''not to play out of tune'', writing some new arrangements and composing my own music for upcoming SPArty ...

I think, that the most challenging is the composing/ writnig... it's not the arrangements, those are such a ''comfort zone'' for me, it's the new music, which will be ''made'' in collaboration with a great DJ/ producer...

 But next thing I'm soooo looking forward to is a new photoshoot on Saturday and a fashion show on Friday- can't wait....

Yeeeee, my life is full of worky worky,  but i soooooooo like it! I LOVE IT! :D

ponedeljek, 17. oktober 2011

It's been too long... again...

Being so busy feels good... but than the situation with ''not having so much time for the Blog & other stuff'' happens...
well, I miss it, but other things are so more important and fun that... well...my dear Blog, sometimes you'll just have to wait... although having a laptop isn't such a bad idea- things would be much easier ( dear Santa, if you're reading this, would you mind bringing me one? :) )...

Uf, the list of socalled ''musthaves'' is getting longer and longer: better car, laptop, more money :P ...

....and than comes the moment, when I stop, and I say thanks to all the good, ''warm'' people arround me... they're the ones that matter...
...and suddenly the sun in my head shines with the full power again....

see ya ! :)

torek, 27. september 2011

While ''giving birth'' to a new song, my eyes stumbled over this:

'' I have finally discovered what is wrong with my brain: on the left side, there is nothing right, and on the right side, there is nothing left. "
:) - kind of a how I feel right now